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Sweet Harmony Performing Arts

 About Us

     The Sweet Harmony Performing Arts Group is a Utah 501c3 non-profit organization founded on the belief that we ALL benefit from the performing arts in our lives.

     Sweet Harmony strives to bring quality, uplifting opportunities to learn, perform, connect and serve. Through the performing arts we find connection: to those involved in our production, to those for whom we perform, and to our own selves on a deeper level of understanding.

“The C’s” Principles of The Sweet Harmony Performing Arts Group

Over the years, we have developed a few guiding principles for our performing arts group:

Community not Competition

Communication not Contention

Clarity not Confusion

Creation not Consumption


Community not Competition

      This group is a gathering place. We hope to foster an accepting environment where individuals can feel safe and valued. We welcome everyone. We want to support each other and cheer each other on! If there is any form of competition to speak of, it is only within ourselves, individually, to be the best that we can be.

Communication not Contention

      Although we have a wonderful spirit of love and friendship within our group, sometimes someone may say or do something that offends you. Please, as adults and youth, let’s communicate those feelings positively. There is a saying, “Hurt feelings are opinions not shared.” Let’s please give each other the benefit of the doubt and talk to each other when hurt feelings arise. Sometimes the contention is due to an incorrect assumption or misinterpretation. Please contact the Program Directors if you ever have a negative experience with our group.

Clarity not Confusion

      It is very important that you understand the expectations when you are involved in one of our productions or classes. We do our very best to make the expectations and schedules clear. But we cannot come to your home and physically write things on the calendar for you. Please make sure that you note rehearsal schedules as well as performance dates and locations. We don’t want anyone to be confused, but you have to do your part.
     We will always do our best to limit rehearsals and performances to the planned schedule. Directors will plan to begin and end on time. Please support the directors by being on time and fulfilling your commitments. We will schedule our various programs and classes so that rehearsals and performances will coordinate well and not complicate your life if you are involved in multiple programs!

Creation not Consumption

      We strive to find joy in artistic creation. It is easy to consume - and the world's current obsession with technology makes it very easy to sit and consume someone else's content. There is little effort required to consume and usually no lasting benefit to the individual. Creation takes time, energy and innovation. Although being part of an audience is a form of consumption, live performance art connects the performers and the audience in a way that is exciting and fulfilling for both.

Sweet Harmony Performing Arts Group Logo

Our group’s logo reminds us that we are all working hard
and working together to produce a sweet product.


The Sweet Harmony Performing Arts Group is a Utah 501c3 non-profit organization
founded on the belief that we ALL benefit from the performing arts in our lives.

Sweet Harmony strives to bring quality, uplifting opportunities to learn, perform, connect and serve.
Through the performing arts we find connection:
to those involved in our production,
to those for whom we perform,
and to our own selves on a deeper level of understanding.

About Us
Meet Our Team
Memory Lane
Contact Us
Choir Information
Theatre Information
Dance Information
Special Events

Choir Homework
Theatre Homework
Dance Homework
Homeschool Information
Choir Attire

Copyright 2020-2023 Sweet Harmony Performing Arts